Frequently asked questions

General Questions

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1. What is PowerSlideAI?

PowerSlideAI is a custom Microsoft PowerPoint add-in that allows users to generate AI-powered slides directly within the PowerPoint desktop application. It helps users create slides by selecting templates and generating text content based on their input.

2. Can PowerSlideAI create PowerPoint slides for me?

Yes! PowerSlideAI takes your simple plain language input prompt and generates a slide with the power of AI! It works by first choosing the best template from a library of over 20+ expertly designed slides and then populating that template based on your request.

You can even iterate on the generated slide by asking PowerSlideAI follow up questions like "make it more detailed", "choose a different template", "write in a more concise tone" or anything else you can think of!

3. What are the system requirements for PowerSlideAI?

Operating System: Windows 10 or 11

PowerPoint Version: Must be the desktop version (not the web version)

Mac Compatibility: Not supported – PowerSlideAI does not work on Mac.

Installation & Setup

4. How do I install PowerSlideAI?

Full instructions with clear how-to-videos are available on the PowerSlideAI member portal once you purchase, but below are the high-level steps! It all takes about 5mins - super easy!

Purchase & Download from

Move Files: Copy the downloaded files ("PowerSlideAI.ppam" and "PowerSlideTemplates.pptx") to this folder:


Then activate the Add-in in PowerPoint:

Open PowerPoint → Click File → Options

Go to Add-ins → Select PowerPoint Add-ins → Click Go

Click Add New → Select PowerSlideAI.ppam → Click Open

Click Close

Enter OpenAI API Key: The first time you use PowerSlideAI, it will ask for an API key.

Generate slides!

5. Where do I get an OpenAI API key?

You need to sign up at OpenAI’s developer platform and create an API key. If you recently subscribed to ChatGPT Plus, you may even have free API credits to use!

Using PowerSlideAI

6. How do I generate a slide?

Click the "Generate Slide" button from the PowerSlideAI section of the PowerPoint ribbon, then enter a prompt describing the slide you want.

7. How do I edit a generated slide?

Simply click the "Generate Slide" butotn again and enter an edit request (e.g., "Make it more concise"). The AI will then make a copy and update the last generated slide.

8. How do I set my personal writing style?

Use the "Personalization" feature by clicking the "Personalization" button on the PowerSlideAI ribbon section. Then enter any preferences (e.g., formal tone, company name, etc.).

Click "Save" – these settings will apply to all generated slides.

Features & Limitations

9. What can PowerSlideAI do?

✔️ Selects the best PowerPoint template from the PowerSlideAI template library

✔️ Generates slide content to populate the template based on user input

✔️ Allows users to add custom templates

✔️ Remembers previous slides for edits

✔️ Allows users to set persistent personalization instructions

10. What can’t PowerSlideAI do?

❌ Cannot generate images

❌ Cannot generate multiple slides simultaneously

❌ Only edits the previously generated slide

Custom Templates

11. How do I create a custom PowerSlideAI template?

Click "Add Custom Templates" in the PowerSlideAI ribbon - which will automatically take you to the template file, "PowerSlideTemplates.pptx"

Follow the instructions for on the PowerSlideTemplates.pptx custom template page

Follow these rules:

Copy the custom template prototype and edit it.

Describe the layout in the top text box (above the slide).

Use only the provided 10 TextBox placeholders (TextBox1, TextBox2, etc.).

Rename the slide in Notes starting with "CUSTOM_".

Save and close the file – PowerSlideAI will now recognize your custom template.

You can also watch the how-to video on YouTube here

12. Can I edit an existing custom template?

Yes! Click the "Add Custom Templates" button from the PowerSlideAI ribbon section, make changes, then save and close the file.

Pricing & API Costs

13. How much does it cost to generate slides?

PowerSlideAI uses your own OpenAI API key, and costs depend on OpenAI’s pricing.

As of February 2025, one slide costs ~$0.005 (half a cent)$5.00 = ~1,000 slides. And this is only going to get cheaper over time!

14. Can I use PowerSlideAI for free?

No, you must at least purchase a one-time PowerSlideAI license. But OpenAI does provides free API credits

for new users and ChatGPT Plus subscribers.

15. Does PowerSlideAI offer enterprise licensing?


Enterprise customization and licensing

are available upon request.

Contact: [email protected]

Troubleshooting & Support

16. PowerSlideAI isn’t showing up in PowerPoint. What should I do?

Check installation:

Ensure PowerSlideAI.ppam is in %appdata%\Microsoft\AddIns.

Re-enable the add-in:

Open PowerPoint → File → Options → Add-insChoose "PowerPoint Add-ins" → Click "Go"

If PowerSlideAI is disabled, re-enable it.

Restart PowerPoint.

17. I see an API key error. What should I do?

Make sure your API key is correct (get a new one at OpenAI). Check if you have enough OpenAI credits. If issues persist, try restarting PowerPoint.

18. My slides aren’t generating. What’s wrong?

Ensure your internet connection is stable. Make sure your OpenAI API key is active. Restart PowerPoint and try again.

19. How do I update PowerSlideAI?

If you have a monthly PowerSlideAI membership subscription, check the PowerSlideAI member portal for updates.

If a new version is available:

Uninstall the old add-in.

Download and install the latest version.

20. Where can I get more help?

📌24/7 AI Chat Support

PowerSlideAI Chat Support

📌YouTube Demos

PowerSlideAI YouTube Channel

📌Support Email

[email protected]

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